OnLine Health Info

Presenting Various Health Info

Clasifikasi Lung Cancer

Disease of lung cancer is a form of development is very fast sell (abnormal) in lung tissue caused by changes in tissue form sell or expansion of sell themselves. If left this abnormal growth can be spread to other organs, both the near and distant lung such as bone, liver, or brain.

Disease of lung cancer is caused more by smoking (87%), while the remainder are caused by asbestos substances, radiation, arsenic, chromate, nickel, klorometil ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emission can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs the workers who also smoked.

Classification of Diseases Lung Cancer

There’s classification of the disease, lung cancer, is seen from the level of either the spread in the lung tissue itself or to other Organs. But basically a disease of lung cancer is divided into two levels of criteria based on their distribution:

1. Lung cancer primary
Has 2 main types, namely Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). SCLC is the kind of sell little (lot) which has its very rapid growth to grow. Usually called “oat cell carcinomas” (wheat cell carcinoma). This type is closely associated with smoking, handling good enough to respond through action chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

While the growth of NSCLC is the single sell, but often strike more than one area in the lungs. For example adenoma, and Kaposi Hamartoma kondromatous.

2. Secondary lung cancer
Lung cancer is a disease that arises as a result of the spread of cancer from other organs, most often breast cancer and colon cancer (stomach). Cancer spreads through the blood, lymphatic system, or due to closeness organs.

March 20, 2010 Posted by | cancer, disease, Lugs, Lungs | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Yellow Disease Among Infants

Yellow Disease Among Infants

Visible jaundice known third and half of the
The child was born normal. This often leads to problems and
General discoloration at the bottom of the first week after birth.

At birth, the baby has many chemicals in the blood called bilirubin. The baby’s heart take a few days to describe the substance of jaundice.

The symptoms, the baby’s skin is greenish-yellow or white child’s eyes turn yellow

Almost all newborn babies are turning yellow on day 3 Therefore, all infants for bilirubin levels should be examined in the blood that day. Normally, bilirubin: 0-1 mcg. However, until Day 7, the level of May to 12 mcg.

How long yellow attacks of the disease?

Skin color of your child should return to normal after a few days or a week. Breastfeeding can help, because the mother’s milk, many natural substances, including protection against disease.

If your baby is jaundiced for more than two weeks, ask your mother, doctor.

As for the attention of infants with jaundice?

Jaundice should disappear spontaneously without treatment.
Before the start, at home, the doctor will check whether your baby is not really yellow, o. For example, if you press the chest, was arrested and released. When the pressure of the old yellow, jaundiced baby safe.

He or she will manage and control more until the bilirubin is safe and stable. The doctor may also decide that the baby needs phototherapy – treatment with the absorption of light by ultraviolet light (phototherapy “of light) for several days.

If your child is strong enough to take home, doctors usually recommend that in the morning (between PK dry. 07-09).

March 11, 2010 Posted by | jaundice | , , , , | Leave a comment

Sex Disease Activity Can Interfere Sex

Pain during sex was also experienced by men. Most of what we know is only women who find it. But it was because of some problems of men feel pain during sex. Why did this happen to? Here are some problems that can interfere with sexual intercourse:
1. Peyronie. This interference is one of the most frequent cause of pain in men. Characteristics of this disease is a crook or an hourglass shape at the end of the genitals when in erect condition.
2. Prostatitis. Prostatitis is inflammation or infection of the prostate gland, which causes swelling and pain in the back of the male genitals, pain or burning during urination and pain at the time of ejaculation.
3. Urine track infection. This art waterway system is producing urine and throw it out of your body. Included is the bladder and kidneys, and the channel that connects between the two. If there are germs in, the bacteria will cause infections
4. Fungal infections. Trait is shown by infection of red skin color and skin edge cracked, and even in some places, the skin feels hard and feels sharp.
5. Dermatitis. This disease causes dry skin, itching, and reddened skin. In some severe cases, it causes a wound with scar containing clear liquid.
6. Herpes. Genital herpes, is a disease that can cause itching and pain in the genitals, which is a disease caused by viruses and is a disease that is transmitted through sexual intercourse.
7. Psoriasis. Disease is a long recovery, occurs because skin cells grow too quickly, hence the accumulation in skin. In general, after growing up, the skin will peel itself.

March 7, 2010 Posted by | disease sex | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Color Blindness and Disease Causes

Classification of color blindness

Color blindness disease gene is determined by the sex linked recessive, chromosome X. Color blindness disease known today are as follows:

1. Partial color blindness can not only recognize a particular color, such as color blindness red or green color blindness
2. Total color blindness

Color blindness is a condition when the retinal cells are not able to respond to color properly. Cone cells in the retina of the eye suffered permanent impairment or damage.

Classification of color blindness:

1. Trikromasi

Ie changing eye color sensitivity level of one or more cone cells in the retina. This type of color blindness is often experienced by the people. There are three classifications derived in trikomasi:

  • Protanomali, a known weak color blindness red
  • Deuteromali, green will be difficult to be recognized by patient
  • Trinomali (low blue), the conditions under which the blue color are difficult to identify the patient.

2. Dikromasi

That is the situation when one of the three cones are not there. There are three classifications derived:

Protanopia, red cones are not available so the brightness perpaduannya red or less

  • Deuteranopia, the retina does not have cone cells that are sensitive to green
  • Tritanopia, blue cones are not found.

3. Monokromasi

Monokromasi actually often regarded as people of color blindness by the public. This condition is marked with a damaged retina in response to the total color. Only black and white color that can receive the retina.

Causes of Color Blindness

Color blindness is a condition inherited genetically. Carried by the X chromosome in women, color blindness descended to his children. When someone is having color blind, their eyes are not able to produce the overall pigment required for normal eye function.

March 1, 2010 Posted by | Color Blindness Disease | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Disease Lung Cancer

Disease Lung Cancer belong to a deadly cancer for both men and women. Compared with other cancer types, such as prostate cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer, a disease of lung cancer today tend to increase faster development.

Disease of lung cancer is a form of development is very fast sell (abnormal) in lung tissue caused by changes in tissue form sell or expansion of sell themselves. If left this abnormal growth can spread to other organs, both the near and distant lung such as bone, liver, or brain.

Disease of lung cancer is caused more by smoking (87%), while the remainder are caused by asbestos substances, radiation, arsenic, chromate, nickel, klorometil ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emission can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs the workers who also smoked.

Classification of Diseases Lung Cancer

There’s classification of the disease, lung cancer, is seen from the level of either the spread in the lung tissue itself or to other Organs. But basically a disease of lung cancer is divided into two levels of criteria based on their distribution:

1. Lung cancer primary
Has 2 main types, namely Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). SCLC is the kind of sell little (lot) which has its very rapid growth to grow. Usually called “oat cell carcinomas” (wheat cell carcinoma). This type is closely associated with smoking, handling good enough to respond through action chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

While the growth of NSCLC is the single sell, but often strike more than one area in the lungs. For example adenoma, and Kaposi Hamartoma kondromatous.

2. Secondary lung cancer
Lung cancer is a disease that arises as a result of the spread of cancer from other organs, most often breast cancer and colon cancer (stomach). Cancer spreads through the blood, lymphatic system, or due to closeness organs.

February 26, 2010 Posted by | Lungs, Uncategorized | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Brain abscess disease and treatment

Brain abscess is a localized accumulation of pus in the brain.

Brain abscess is rare and could be a result of:

  • The spread of infection in other parts of the head (eg teeth, nose or ears)
  • Head injuries that penetrate into the brain
  • Infection in other parts of the body, which spread through the blood.

Brain abscess can cause various symptoms, depending on the location.
Symptoms can include headache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, seizures, personality changes and symptoms of brain dysfunction.

These symptoms can occur within a few days or several weeks.

Initially patients feel the fever and chills, but these symptoms could disappear when the body successfully ward off the infection.
The best examination to find the brain abscess is a CT scan or MRI.

Biopsy performed to rule out the possibility of a tumor or stroke and to determine the organism causing the abscess.

Treatment for a brain abscess is an antibiotic; the most commonly used are penicillin, metronidazole, nafsilin and sefalosporin (eg seftizoksim).
Antibiotics are usually continued until 4-6 weeks and a CT scan and MRI repeated every 2 weeks.

If antibiotics are not able to overcome this situation, then surgery to remove the pus.

Sometimes abscesses caused increased pressure and swelling in the brain.
This situation is very serious and can cause permanent brain damage, which was given corticosteroids and other drugs (eg mannitol) to reduce brain swelling and reduce the pressure in the brain.

February 25, 2010 Posted by | Brain | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Knowing diabetes Start Now

Diabetes is a condition in which blood circulation there is excess sugar. This effect is due to the body can not convert sugar into energy for the body to face the problem adequately because of a lack of the hormone called insulin. Insulin is a hormone is produced by the organ called the pancreas which is located below the stomach. Our bodies will produce energy from the food we eat to carry out daily tasks. Starchy and sugary foods which are usually called as a carbohydrate food will be converted into a sugar substance called glucose in the stomach and will enter into the bloodstream. It will then be used by the body to produce energy. Glucose is also a major source of that energy to our body.

In normal circumstances, insulin will usually help to glucose in the blood into cells to be converted to energy. For those who  diabetes, organ of the pancreas that produce insulin should not produce the hormone insulin in sufficient insulin or can not be produced to act as normal. This resulted in glucose can not enter to cells. Sugar in the blood circulation will also be high. Excessive sugar will be produced by the body through urine. This is the reason why the disease known as diabetes. Cells will not receive a supply glucose without insulin, although the rates are very high in the blood circulation. As a result, our body will lack energy.

This disease can be affected by anyone. However, the more risk for getting diabetes is found in those who come from families where there are descendants, or between members suffering from diabetes, age has menigkat (40 years and above) and have the excess weight or fat .

What are diabetes medicines?

Before 1921, there are no specific medicines to treat diabetes. However, at present there are a variety of medications to control diabetes and this is an opportunity for people with diabetes to continue life as usual. Treatment of diabetes is through diet control.

Food consumption plays an important role to control diabetes. Usually the cases are not severe, this disease can  care through food alone.

February 24, 2010 Posted by | Diabetes | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Know Your Disease Characteristics Herpes

The characteristics of herpes simplex is a small rash, can be one or a collection, which contains the liquid, and if broken can cause inflammation. This rash usually appears in the muco-cutaneous, or areas where the skin meets the mucous membrane lining. In the face, this area located at the junction of the lips with facial skin. The herpes simplex sufferers usually feel a tingling in the area before the emergence of this rash.

This disease can be transmitted during the rash of fluid because the fluid that is the herpes virus. If you’re part of your body exposed to the with rash regions, the herpes virus can infect you at the contact area. Viral infection usually appear one week after the contact. But if the contact was made during the rash has dried up or even better, then the risk of contracting practically lost.

If you are infected with Herpes virus, the virus can spread throughout your body, such as in the fingers (herpetic whitlow), in the eye (herpetic ophthalmitis), the genital area (genital herpes), and even can also attack the brain (herpetic encephalitis), although the latter may say it happened very, very rare. And if people make contact with healthy people, such as through oral sex, then a healthy person can be infected genital herpes.

The first phase of genital herpes is marked by flu-like fever, muscle and joint aches, swollen lymph nodes, feeling tired and not feeling well. Amusement at the contact areas can also appear before the onset of rash. If the rash has come, the area around the nodule will feel very soft. And depending on where the rash was located, the patient may have trouble walking or pain on urination.

Generally the same herpes, herpes wherever it arises. What is important the patient should keep the area clean and dry. You can clean the area with a saline (salt solution) and thereafter must be dried. If the infected area is too damp, can invite secondary infections (infections continued). Treatment with oral antiviral drugs are usually needed only for specific cases of genital herpes, and had to go through a doctor’s prescription.

February 23, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

The Things That Can Influence Erectile Men

Male sexual performance is identical to an erection. Once the importance of this capability, so many things must be preserved and cared for by the men.
Here are some things that can affect male sexual decline, according to Prof Dr Djoko Rahardjo, Sp.BU, sub-section of Urology, Surgery Section Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia / RSCM:

1. Age
Elderly men usually experience condition called andropause. This is the period where the testosterone production decreases.
2. Diabetes
Blood sugar levels causes high blood vessel constriction and nerve damage, including blood vessels to the area of reproduction. This is what causes erectile dysfunction.
3. Hypertension
High blood pressure causes blood vessel walls become stiff, so that over time will be narrowed vessel lumen. This incident not only in the heart or brain vessels, but also in the genitals. As a result, blood flow to the genital reduced. Erectile disorders were highly likely to occur.
4. High cholesterol
Cholesterol accumulated continuously in the blood vessels causing hardening and narrowing of blood vessels. Refinement of the penis causing an erection difficulties.
5. Nerves
Parkinson’s, diabetes, stroke, can lead to decreased nerve function. As a result, reduced neurotransmitter activity and decrease of nerve stimulation. Erectile disorder ensued.
6. Trauma
Direct trauma of the pubic area will destroy the corpus cavernosa, nerves, and blood vessels which ultimately cause an erection.
7. Psychological factors
Stress either because of physical or psychic capable of exhausting work mentally and inhibit neurotransmitter, so that does not happen smooth muscle relaxation. As a result, erection disturbed.
8. Infectious diseases
Chronic infections such as tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis resulted in deterioration of work and decrease neurotransmitter levels of estrogen which then lead to lower libido.
9. Drugs
Stimulants, narcotics, and some blood pressure-lowering drugs may interfere with erectile ability.
10. Smoking
Besides can trigger lung cancer, also constrict blood vessels.

February 20, 2010 Posted by | sex stories | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Info About Heart Disease

Hepatic (liver) is the largest in human body. Enters the liver, which is in software projects are essential processes in our lives, the process of energy storage, formation of protein and bile acids, regulation of cholesterol metabolism and neutralization of toxins / drugs in in our body. The consequences can be imagined would Arise if the damage occurred in the liver.

Heart disease in some other
1. Liver disease caused by infection
such as viral hepatitis), which is contaminated with food and drinks, injections, tattoos, a contaminated needle gender activities, etc. transferred.

2. Liver disease due to toxicity (such as alcohol or certain medications), alcohol liver against toxic. The existence of drug accumulation in the liver (eg paracetamol) or interfering with the metabolism of drugs can suffer from liver disease.

3. Genetics or descendants (hemochromatosis, for example)

4. Immune system disorders (eg autoimmune hepatitis)
Autoimmune disease is a disease caused by the resistance of the body’s own tissues. In general, autoimmune hepatitis, anti-liver cells, causing a chronic infection.

5. Cancer (eg hepatocellular carcinoma)
Liver cancer can be caused by cancer-causing compounds such as aflatoxin, polyvinyl chloride (plastic), viruses, etc..
Aplatoxin a toxin produced by Aspergillus flavus and can foods during storage of foods like beans, rice and cassava waste, especially in the tropics. Hepatitis B and C funds to develop liver cirrhosis may develop liver cancer.

February 19, 2010 Posted by | heart | , , , , , | Leave a comment